Unicode converter for Word
Nepali non-Unicode fonts to Unicode font converter for formatted documents like word, excel, powerpointMany online webpages using javascript are available that convert non-unicode fonts to Unicode fonts for unformatted text that is copy-pasted into the page. My own online version is available at
Preeti to Unicode
Fontasy to Unicode
But when it comes to the formatted documents like in word and excel and with mixed fonts, it becomes difficult to convert using these simple converters. They remove all the formatting and moreover convert all the text to the Unicode or vice-versa. They not only convert Preeti or Kantipur font to Unicode but also the English text to the Unicode making them unreadable.
Download bulk converts for Word from https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=EncCnvtrs#c20c35ef
Sil converter also works for Excel sheets