Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Making USB pen drive bootable for OS installation

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Making USB pen drive bootable for OS installation

There are various methods of making pen drive bootable to install Operating System and making live USB drives. After following various methods, Till now I have found this one easy and reliable, and also Ubuntu official site recommends this for their installation. Its Universal USB Installer. I recently used it to install Windows 8 using pen drive 8gb.
It can be used to install various windows versions as Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 along with other linux distributions.
There is also another tool Rufus that makes ones life easy on creating Windows and Linux bootable pen drive.

Remove Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter

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Remove Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter

I remember when I installed Virtual WiFi in my laptop I got this Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter. This was stubburn to be removed and I once even reinstalled the Operating System. But this time I didn't realized when it got through to the laptop. When it resides I have problem with my Wifi. It does not connect properly or it does not show my wifi AP and also it did not connect to the new Wifi AP only the old APs were able to connect. So I had disabled the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter from the Network Connections (control panel >> ncpa.cpl). But one with the same problem came and even with disabling this from the network connections I cannot get through. Therefore I had google again and find its solution. Lucky enough I got it in one of the website and worked.
I am even going to try this in my laptop. Hope it works in mine too. Yes it worked too and this Microsoft Virtual Miniport adapter vanished from the network connections of control panel.
Running cmd as an administrator and the following commands were issued
"netsh wlan stop hostednetwork"
"netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow"

Snort IDS and Honeyd on Windows XP and 2003

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Lately I have been working on snort IDS for windows. As per requirements to test it in windows, finally got hands on WinIDS. Though there is pre packaged solution on snort IDs with its graphical reporting snorby in Security Onion built in Ubuntu Iso, the preference were given to step by step built up and in windows. WinIds was great. But at last gave the Barnyard error in Windows XP. However such error was not present in windows server 2003. The error was while running barnyard in cmd prompt, it just did not want to run. Next thing I tried to run apache and mysql server that of xampp but just can't. So without further delay just installed fresh apache and mysql. So everything went well on testing in windows server 2003 and made it ready for the deployment.
The next task was to run honeypot in windows. I chose honeyd for windows version. This particular was also incompatible with windows xp. "WinHoneyd is NOT compatible with Windows XP SP2. Microsoft recommended solution:server 2003" one of the experts says in "Experts Exchange". So in favor of server 2003, gave up for Windows XP. I will publish further results after testing.

Download Chanakya font

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Download Chanakya font

Font Chanakya.ttf is still being used a lot and is in great demand. The font is used in online edition of newspaper Annapurna Post. Without the font the online edition is unreadable.
Annapura Post Online Edition without Chanakya Font
Annapurna Post Online Edition after installing font
Download Chanakya Font
Download Preeti Font
Download kantipur Font
Download more Nepali Fonts here

Do we still need FAT32?

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Do we still need FAT32?

Still some people are formatting the harddisk with fat32 file format. I asked myself why?
1. connect it to a NAS device (to avoid NTFS file permission errors)
2. windows is not only the OS on earth, therefore for Mac, Linux, and OLD Windows such as Windows 98

But Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 or later does not let us format the hard disk more than 32GB as FAT32. So a workaround this is using a command prompt

format /FS:FAT32 X:

where X is the drive letter for the harddisk

Opera desktop and Nepali Unicode

By // No comments: in opera looks very unreadable in nepali unicode font at least difficult. The mangal font would have been easier to read in the browser. Firefox by default takes mangal and so no problem in it. But opera (my version 11.61) takes Aparajita as default in monospace font for Devnagari. In monospace font it is only Aparajita font, could not be changed. Though changing the other in Mangal worked in my co-workers but has not resolved in mine. Whereas Kantipur site is fine in this.

For the co-worker changing it to Mangal font in Normal section  Devnagari Writing system > in International fonts from the fonts of the advanced tab from the preference menu, it switched back to Mangal Font.

Tools >> Preference >> Advanced >> Fonts >> International fonts >> Writing system >> Devnagari >> Normal font >> Mangal.

Sality Killer and Virut Killer

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Every exe in your computer can get infected with sality virus and virut virus if you are not aware of these. Once they get infected your system and other drives, the installation of avira antivirus is fatal as it quarantines all the exe infected virus including the explorer.exe and other all the system programs. Then it will lock you outside of your computer making it unaccessible to the user, forcing the user to reinstallation of the operating system. To fight against them, kaspersky has pretty two tools salitykiller and virutkiller, better says to run them in safe mode, but the virus is smart itself to disable the safe mode as well. They work pretty good in normal mode too but they are exposed to the infected system, themselves are infected with those two creepy virus. So better way run them in the zipped mode and run a full scan. It works.

Here too, its time consuming and the use might thing the formatting and reinstallation of the system may be the easy way to handle this. But the care should be taken to take the backups of user data in the system drive.

However even after the reinstallation if the care is not given the whole system can be reinfected if any one of the infected exe file from the other drivers are executed in the system. Even the drivers should not be installed b4 cleaning the whole system. Running a full scan after the reinstallation of the operating system will do.

Happy killing sality and virut. If you enjoy working with them, test them in virtual OS or vmware.

Limited Users in Windows and Portables Apps for Windows

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Everybody in the windows want to be administrator. They don't want to use the computer from other users other than administrator. They want the full privilege of the system. They don't really see the benefits running the computer in normal user mode. From my point of view the safest way of using the computer is from the normal user mode. Today the major problem with the computer is the virus and these really changes the system settings. One will not get into these problems if they run in the normal mode since the normal user does not have the permissions to modify the system global settings. However if one is using the fat32 system it does not make any difference as a normal user or an administrator user. Fat32 is single user mode filesystem. Therefore not secure. However if one is in NTFS then better opt for normal user for the sake of computer security.

Then on using the computer one has to get into serious problem of installing the new software as one of my friend get into. I asked him why he is not updating his website. His first answer was obvious the increasing the loadshedding in Nepal, which of course we don't have the replacement but just to wait for our schedule to get into light. His next reason was his unabilty to install a ftp software in the computer as he was not an administrator in it. For those who are really seeking using the computers to use in the normal mode as I do, the alternative is not far, we can use the portables software instead, copy-paste-run-delete. These are actually designed to run on pendrives that are portables/mobile or whatever they may call. There are many softwares now available as portables than in previous. A good list is available at There is filezilla portable already available and can be used for you Sanjip.

Not only them other several programs can be run from other drives too once they have been installed. What I generally do is install most of my favorite programs in drive D: which is not the system drive of course, so when my system drive is formatted I don't have to bother installing my programs again and again. The programs I have been using as that are Macromedia Studio 7 (flashmx6, flash7, dreamweaver7, fireworks). The Macromedia Studio 8 can be done as similar, but once you run from drive D: it says sth is missing. However if you install any of one of the program in studio 8 is installed in the system drive or anywhere you can get all others studio 8 programs installed in the drive D: gets running. Other cool programs are Concept Draw NetDigrammer which is really trial and expiration never gets expired if you run from the normal user. When you launch the program is says writing in registry fails and the software will expire in 30 days. And that 30 days had never run out in mine. However if you get it running from the administrator you get only exactly 30 days to run the software. Beware this is really cool point on having the underprivilege user account.

The another big program as a portable is opera and the open office, an alternative to Microsoft Office. Open Office ver3 can even open the Office 2007 files and its word completion is really cool, however I am still looking for the word completion of the nepali words that worked perfectly in the previous open office versions. The opera@usb is another great program as it clear its cache once it is closed. However this closing of cache who want's to browse their content offline may not be the welcoming point for them.