Nepali Unicode is installed NOW WHAT


Nepali Unicode is installed NOW WHAT

Many of my friends have asked me, "I have installed Nepali Unicode in my computer, now what". They certainly mean they got through all the pains installing nepali unicode in their computer (Really time consuming and lengthy process in Windows XP than newer Windows) now how can they type in Nepali Unicode. As I have already suggested in nepali-script-in-xp if you are new in Nepali typing and had never typed in Nepali either in Preeti, Kantipur or whatever you should go for Nepali Romanized since it is very similar to English typing, But if you have been typing in Preeti, Kantipur like true type fonts you should be comfortable with the traditional layout of the Nepali Unicode.
After installation the first thing is you cannot type in word or excel just by selecting the Nepali Unicode font Mangal or other like selecting Preeti or Kantipur font. You should switch between the input language found in the Language Bar mostly in the notification area beside the date and time of the computer. Alternatively the ALT+SHIFT shortcut can do that work.
language bar for nepali unicode in notification area on desktop

language bar for nepali unicode in notification area on desktop

It had been 10 years since I had been using the Nepali Unicode and I began with the Traditional layout as I had worked with the Preeti font previously. At that time the UniNepali font was used but had problems especially with the numbers 0 and 1 being interchanged. Mangal has been shipped with the Windows itself and is default font. The only problem it had was it could not show the joined words as we do in writing. The hanging words just do not hang below. Another Unicode font that ships with the Windows is Arial Unicode which can hang some letters.

With the traditional layout the problem was when getting the symbols on writing, you frequently had to change to Nepali to English and English to Nepali to get the symbols. So I gave a try to Romanized Nepali. Then editing in Preeti and Kantipur has been troublesome. There is a solution conversion tools made by MPP in java added with manual corrections.

Typing in Unicode Nepali is like following the Nepali Grammar (Byakaran) and sound. You follow the sound of the words and you get it typed. Learning takes time but fruitful after you have done it and will enjoy the work unlike attaching the symbols and get the words created in Preeti and Kantipur Fonts. This is what we teach our trainees on Nepali Unicode typing and we give several words (really difficult) words to type like राष्ट्रिय, विद्यालय, विद्यार्थी। To begin with you can type various simple words like
nepal, नेपाल,
himal हिमाल,

You will enjoy it, but don't forget to download the Nepali Unicode layout and put it handy.
Nepali unicode romanized keyboard layout
 Nepali unicode traditional keyboard layout
Try these letters to type
I will be uploading a how to type nepali unicode shortly, seems to be misplaced now. Happy Typing.

 nepali unicode typing style

nepali unicode typing style

nepali unicode typing style


  1. Dear dipesh,
    Where is the Period "." (Purna Viram) in Traditional Nepali Unicode Keyboard Layout? I was unable to find the char.

  2. dipesm2/23/2013

    Saroj Ji, Purna Viram (।) is in the last row full stop in Traditional Nepali Unicode Keyboard. The image is here

  3. I installed unicode nepali... And activated the option in task bar while typing in ms word i selected unicode from task bar changed the font to devanagari but still i cant type in unicode my windows is xp and word is 2007 version

    1. Please "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)" for more details please follow the guide at

  4. Da dinankh chai kasari type garnu

    1. द+ि+न+ा+ङ+्+क = दिनाङ्क
