Nepali Fonts Keyboard Layout

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Nepali Fonts Keyboard Layout

Nepali Unicode has been the defacto standard in Nepali fonts. It is every where in Nepali computing, in web, in database. However the old documents are still in TrueType Nepali fonts like Preeti, Kantipur. Though it may look like turning back from Unicode to True Type Nepali fonts, I have included these True Type Nepali fonts keyboard layout here. several times it had been the necessity to print out the keyboard layouts of Preeti font, Kantipur font and Fontasy Himali TT font. These keyboard layouts has been generated using Microsoft keyboard layout creator.

Fontasy Himali TT Font Keyboard Layout
Fontasy Himali TT Font Keyboard Layout
Fontasy Himali TT Font Keyboard Layout

Preeti Font Keyboard Layout
Preeti Font Keyboard Layout
Preeti Font Keyboard Layout

Kantipur Font Keyboard Layout
Kantipur Font Keyboard Layout
Kantipur Font Keyboard Layout

Following Fontasy_Himali_ TT keyboard layout has been generated from kbdedit program (demo version). It may not be suitable for print however.

Fontasy Himali TT Keyboard Layout using kbdedit
Fontasy Himali TT Keyboard Layout using kbdedit
Fontasy Himali TT Font Keyboard Layout generated by KbdEdit
If you are looking for downloading these Nepali fonts and more, they are available at with the image of those fonts how they looks.