
Searching for the trouble at the Internet, its really not that hard to get. But the solution for the problem, thats really hard to get and one has to go for searching and searching to find the real one solution.
A little virus that resides on our computer and that adds an exception in the windows firewall with NETLAN or LANX or any name, its really annoying and moreover the C: drive these folders
c:\program files\wireshark

Everytime you delete it, it does not hesitate to get itself deleted but once your computer wakes up after reboot those folders are there with some exe files within them. The presence of this virus can be detected by autoruns tool at the startup tab with the name of Intel Wifi Service with the missing publisher name of the file, pointing to the file igfxwt32.exe in system32 folder of the system drive.

The unlocker tools also fails to delete the file igfxwt32.exe, it says it will be able to delete the file after the reboot but never will. The malware bytes which is free to try comes to the rescue in such case. But it will take too much time enough to install a new system. However that nuisance file can be deleted by from other bootable system. and then a fresh install of antivirus and full scan as well as that by malware bytes can free up the system. In some cases the malware bytes too hangs up with nothing doing itself other than NOT RESPONDING in the Task Manager.


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